Saturday, December 27, 2008
Offensive emails
I’m going to make this very, very clear and spell it out quite specifically so there’s no confusion. Stop sending me the racist “jokes” and email, the homophobic “jokes” and email, the bigoted “jokes” and email, the emails full of inaccurate and spiteful information regarding Obama or Bush or McCain or anybody else. I don’t want to see another email in my inbox about Muslims or Arabs. No more emails about how stupid all Democrats are or how racist all Republicans are.
Not only do I not share your beliefs, but there are a lot of people in my life that I care very deeply about who are not Protestant straight white men. Shockingly enough there are both Democrats and Republicans in my life and in my family, there are blacks and homosexuals in my life and in my family. I know and love many people from many walks of life. So I find such commentary personally offensive.
No more sexist emails either. In case you’re too stupid to notice – I’m a woman. There’s a big difference between a funny email poking fun at the differences between men and women and a sexist email. And if you’re too stupid to know the difference, err on the side of caution and don’t bother emailing it to me – as a matter of fact, feel free not to email me at all in the future.
If you actually know me, you know I have a sense of humor. The majority of the emails I get are funny or touching, they are not offensive. Don't let this make you all paranoid or afraid to send me anything. If this message is about you, you know it.
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Monday, December 01, 2008
2008 Deer Season - my first deer!

Whoo-hoo! Got my first deer. Finally...
A couple of years ago, the weather was beautiful during black powder season so I joined Jeremy as a spectator and was with him when he harvested a doe. It got me interested in deer hunting myself. So I took my hunter safety course, bought my own bow and took lessons. So by the fall of 2007 I was ready - and pumped. I went out a lot. I had several opportunities during bow season and missed every time. I was very frustrated and really mad at myself. And then because circumstances conspired against me I was only able to go out a couple of times during rifle season and didn't have a single opportunity. So by the end of 2007's deer season I was just about over it already. I told Jeremy that I was going to take the entire week of rifle season off work for the 2008 season and if I didn't get anything - that was it. I'd be done. Not so much one for patience, as you know.
So this year I went out during bow season a couple of times, but there was really never an opportunity for me to even take a shot. So rifle season rolled around and I was ready - and determined. And sure enough about an hour and a half into my first morning she came out of the woods and meandered toward me. I was using Jeremy's 7 mm and it has a scope on it. She got within about 130-150 yards and I shot, she went right down. I was full of adrenaline and excited, but to be honest I was also a little sad at the same time. Mostly, I was very proud of myself and happy that Jeremy was there with me.
But next was the hard part. Had to get her across the island, into the boat, across the river, into the truck and up to Mom and Dad's place. Then I'd have to field dress her. I've watched Jeremy and my cousin Clay do it several times. I wasn't really sure I could do it - it's pretty gross. But I felt like it was only fair for me to do it - I took her, I needed to do all the dirty work myself. So we got her to the house and I scrounged up a pair of rubber gloves (no way was I doing this with my bare hands). Mom's pretty grossed out by the whole process, too - but she came out and took some pics because she said nobody would believe I did it if there weren't photographic proof. Below is a pic of Dad telling me exactly what I'm going to have to do - and my reaction.
I clearly did not enjoy this part. But I did it, at least I did about 85% of it. I couldn't get through the ribs and I was seriously starting to think I was going to throw up (the smell isn't very pleasant), so Dad took over for about five minutes to get through the ribs and give me a chance to take a few deep breaths. Then I took back over.
Dad and Jeremy (and the guys at the processing plant and my cousins, etc) made fun of me for it, but I'm getting her head mounted. I know she's a doe, and nobody mounts a doe - but she's my first. And you only have one first.
Jeremy took a nice big 10 point buck the next weekend during black powder season. He'd already taken a doe during bow season. I think he was a little disappointed that I didn't want to keep going out until I got a buck, but the weather got really cold and nasty - and I'm not that obsessed/dedicated. At least not yet...
Here's Jeremy's buck...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
2433 Country Wood Drive is back on the market

Thursday, October 23, 2008
A Heartfelt Thank You - and an email update service
We'd like to say a special thank you to the staff at Happy Tails. Happy Tails is the doggie day care center that we took Chase to for the last year or so. He'd progressed to the point that he couldn't make it through a work day without going potty, so we put him in day care. The people there were just wonderful. Chase was already mostly deaf and blind by then - so he was anxious, which translates to one crabby old man when you take him out of his home. So he wasn't exactly the sweet cuddly little dog you all remember when he got to Happy Tails. But they were incredibly patient with him. They spoiled him, they tolerated his less-than-sunny disposition when he was tired or the weather was bad (he hated bad weather). Last winter they even bought him his own little parka to wear outside! They sent pictures home of him playing with his new doggie friends so we could see that he was doing okay during the day. They even put a picture of him up at the center for everyone else to see. He had a few special friends who always had a treat for him and a little extra love. I had planned on going in to let them know last Monday that Chase wouldn't be back, but I couldn't do it - it was just too hard to go back in there. So I emailed them instead. I got a call yesterday telling me how much they missed him and Megan (one of Chaser's special friends) left a comment on the post below. You guys do wonderful work there and I highly recommend them to anyone and everyone!
So on that note - as many of you know, I've been sending out an email to those who were interested each time I updated the blog. But the list keeps getting a little longer, and email addresses change, and I forget to sent it out, etc. So I found a service, FeedBlitz, that will do it for me. On the right side of the blog, underneath the "About Me" section is a new section - "Email subscriptions powered by FeedBlitz". All you need to do is enter your email address to sign up. FeedBlitz will send you a confirming email that you'll have to respond to and you'll then get an email automatically each time I update. The email will contain a link tot he update as well as the text of the latest post, but no pictures or anything - so you'll want to just click on the link.
Note about email notifications: It's totally private - even from me. They don't sell/distribute email addresses, so you won't start getting a bunch of spam as a result of signing up with FeedBlitz. I did only sign up for the free service though, which means there will be ads in the email notification you recieve. I can pay a monthly fee to make sure you get ad-free emails, but I'm not making any money off this - so I don't want to spend any!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
2433 Country Wood Drive is up for sale!

Well, all of the renovations are done and we are officially on the market. Well, we won't officially be on the market until the Open House this Sunday from 2-4, but we're "Coming Soon!". That's what it says on the realtor sign in the front yard. Our realtor, Ryan, created a website for the house - so go check it out. Even if you don't know anybody looking for a place (and if you do, make sure you send them this link!), take a look at the website so you can see all the pics of all the hard work we did on the house.
We've already had to "sneak preview" buyers come look at it, so that's encouraging... I told Jeremy that now that we're done and we've got it all staged to sell I like the house more than I ever did before. Now I want it back! :)
Saturday, September 20, 2008
My newest niece, Miss Taylor Nicole Cameron, and me!
Finally got to meet my newest niece tonight. She's just gorgeous of course. She's just over two months old, she was born July 18 in Kansas City and thanks to all the stuff going on around here we haven't been able to get out there to see her yet. Luckily her mom (my sister, Nicole) brought her to St. Louis so I finally had a chance to meet her in person. Her dad, Jeremy, wasn't able to come with (sorry we missed you, Jeremy!). Lost the charger to my camera, so we had to take pics with my Blackberry - so that explains the poor quality...

Nicole had already sent me tons of pics - Taylor still in utero, Taylor when she was born, Taylor getting her first bath, etc. But she's just so much more beautiful in person. She has such a head of hair you wouldn't believe it!!! I've never seen a baby with so much hair. I can NOT wait to get out there and see her again.
Here are pictures of Taylor when she was born, two months ago... (the last one is with my little sister, Nicole, of course).

Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
You can't ever find the perfect house - but this is pretty close for us. It's on 1/2 an acre, so the backyard is really big and includes woods and a little creek. It's 4 bedrooms and 3 1/2 baths. The deck is huge and beautiful. The 3 car garage is J's favorite part, of course. The main floor is all hardwood and ceramic tile - a big plus for us. The basement is already finished and it's a walkout - actually there are three back exits, all french doors. And - most importantly - a walk-in closet.
Of course there are little things I want to change here and there - light fixtures and stuff like that (all of the bathrooms are BORING). But all of that can come later - it's totally move-in ready right now. We had our inspection today and they didn't find anything big enough to worry about so it's full steam ahead.
The pics below are off the real estate website, so it's got all of the seller's furniture in it.
We don't close until the end of October, so we've been working very hard to get our house up on the market. There were a lot of things we felt like we needed to finish before we put it up. So we spent the last weekend completely redoing the bathroom (if I never tile or grout again I'll die a happy woman), and we've already refloored and painted the master and upstairs guest bedroom. Still need to replace all the interior doors and a couple of exterior doors - a build a wall. Then we'll be done!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Christian the Lion
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
2008 Honky Tonk Queen
Aaron performed as Iona Doublewide. He said that they gave him eight minutes to prepare for his performance once he was given his song. Which makes this even funnier - you've got to check it out!
Click here.
One more thing... Aaron - you're legs look better in that skirt than mine ever have. Asshole.
Monday, July 07, 2008
No Update Flood Update
Thank you so much to those of you who have inquired and sent your well wishes. It is much appreciated.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Introducing... Mr. Louis Busch!

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Baby June the fawn

Flood Update - June 22