(I wrote this a week ago and forgot to post it – so I’m posting it now, but it was written on 12/26/06.)
Jeremy helping put up the Christmas tree at Mom and Dad's house...
What a wonderful Christmas! I’ve had many a merry Christmas and received great gifts and given great gifts in the past, but this year was one for the record-books. Quite possibly the best Christmas we've ever had! It was so nice to have a full 3 day weekend to spend at Mom and Dad's, there was no rushing around and it was just perfect. Jeremy went bow hunting early every morning and at sundown every day - got a shot off at a huge 12 point buck, but either missed it or just wounded it. So that really lit the fire under him to get a buck before bow season ends. The food was killer - we had lobster (live lobster that we boiled ourselves) and fried catfish for Christmas Eve lunch and then turducken for Christmas Eve dinner (if you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend it – yummy)!
The presents this year were just ridiculous - and wonderful. To me, the best kind of present is the one that takes time and thought and effort. Not something you asked for – something you didn’t even know you wanted until you got it! Mom went over and above this year for all three of us - but the best one was Dad's present. She got him a Polaris Ranger EFI. Jeremy did the research and some friends picked it up, and other friends took it to our neighbor's place on their flatbed trailer and hid it at our neighbor's place. So before we opened gifts Christmas morning, Jeremy and I snuck out to get it and parked it just outside the garage. After the rest of the gifts were opened we took Dad outside - and he was completely beside himself. Couldn't stop smiling and laughing and was so surprised that so many people were in on it and he had no idea. It's really neat to see Dad so excited and pleased about something - that NEVER happens. He took it for a spin - it goes up to 40 mph - and loved it! She really got him good this year, so that was easily the best part of the weekend.
Mom got Jeremy a professional digital camera (not just the point and shoot kind) and some accessories and Dad got him all kinds of hunting stuff. Jeremy gave me the Crate and Barrell sideboard I wanted for the kitchen - I was very surprised and pleased about that! He also gave me a bow to practice with, he and all the Broad's are pretty stoked about my getting into hunting... Mom gave me this amazing laptop computer-compatible embroidery/sewing machine I'd expressed interest in months ago as well as a nice bluetooth headset. And then plenty of little things, stocking stuffers, etc - we go so overboard with Christmas it's stupid. Mom also gave us $$ for a new oven/hood/whatever we end up doing about that situation - so that was wonderful as well.
We spent a lot of time with the extended family yesterday afternoon, which was awesome. Jeremy got into a contest with all of my cousins - trying to shoot a potato with an arrow at 20 feet. Dorks. It's so cool to see how well he fits into my family (better than I do most times) and how they accept him and the level of comfort after all of these years.
Sigh - I'm still on a high from such an amazing holiday season. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and Channukah as well.
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