Friday, October 26, 2007

Jeremy's HUGE buck...

So yeah - we didn't even know it was a buck until we turned it over and saw his... buckhood. I mentioned in my last post that it's bow season. So J and I have been in the woods almost every weekend since the season opened - as a matter of fact, we're headed up to my parents' place again this afternoon.. Last Saturday he shot what we thought was a doe - he didn't even have buttons showing, just bumps on his skull that would have eventually turned into buttons (that's what he's pointing at in the pic above)! But a young doe or young buck is the best tasting meat, so we're pleased. Of course now he's going to spend the rest of the winter being picky and looking for a nice big buck with a monster rack. I, on the other hand, am still just waiting to shoot something! I've shot twice - hit the deer I was shooting at the first time and gave her a nasty little paper cut on her back, I think I totally missed the second time.

As some of you already know, I spent most of this year pursuing my C.P.M. (Certified Purchasing Manager) certification. Getting your C.P.M. is something like an accountant getting their CPA or, to a lesser extent, like a lawyer passing the bar. The C.P.M. designation is globally the most recognized designation for supply management professionals. This means more money, better jobs, more recognition, etc. In order to qualify one has to pass Modules 1 through 4 of the C.P.M. Exam (which are very difficult), and have either five years of full-time professional (non-clerical, non-support) supply management experience or three years of full-time professional supply management experience and a four-year degree. Once you're certified you have to be recertified every five years (which is a huge pain!) - until you have 18 years of full-time professional supply management experience, and then you receive your lifetime certification.

I started early last spring, took night classes and review classes and studied my butt off and passed all four modules on the first try, sent in my application and am finally officially certified! I have just over eight years of experience, so I'll only have to recertify once before I'll have my lifetime certification. I am incredibly relieved to have this under my belt. It took a lot of time and money - but in the long run I know it'll be worth it.

Monday, October 08, 2007

The Self-Neukomm Wedding

At long last, Mike and Mary Beth are married. They were married on September 22 and it was just beautiful. And as you can see from the pics - they're pretty happy! They went to Hawaii for their honeymoon and just got back last week.

The reception was one hell of a party - everyone had a great time. And if they didn't - it was their own fault. BB&B was there in full force (of course). We have pics of all nine of us all dressed up in the same place (a very rare thing, trust me) - once I can get one of those pics, I'll be sure to post it.

MB asked me to be her matron of honor (argh - "matron" makes me sound so old), so I gave a toast at the wedding. This won't mean much to those of you who don't know MB and I - but I'll post it anyway.

There are thousands, no millions, of people out there who truly mean it when they say, “I hate to say I told you so”. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Heather Broad – and I am not one of those people.

I am absolutely thrilled, ecstatic, over-the-moon with joy and honored to be standing here at your wedding and be able to say, “I told you so”, and “I told you so”.

I met Mike a little over eight years ago and he has been one of my favorite people ever since. Mike unwittingly introduced me to my husband, Jeremy, exactly eight years ago Sunday. And Mary Beth is my nearest and dearest friend. She is the friend I turn to first. Whenever I need her, she’s there – whether it’s to take a roadtrip to Memphis at the last minute just because I need a little B.B. King; or because I’m falling apart and need somebody there to help hold me together.

So when my two favorite people were finally single at the same time, I knew they needed to be together. So I took it upon myself to shove that fact down their throats. I did some very crafty maneuvering behind-the-scenes to get them together. I dropped subtle hints such as “If you don’t go out with Mike and fall in love and get married and have babies with him you’re a total moron,” and “So anyway, I’m just saying – If I were a single man I’d totally fall in love with Mary Beth and live happily ever after because otherwise I’d have to be a complete idiot. But you can do whatever you want... if you want to be an idiot.” And you know up until this very moment right now – I don’t think either of them had any idea what I was up to…

In closing…for along time, Mary Beth thought she was Carrie from Sex In The City – but she’s not, she’s much more like Charlotte. She wanted all the romance, the handsome husband, the happy family, the white picket fence and the whole nine yards. She just didn’t know it until Mike - her knight in shining armor - showed up, roses in hand.

So a toast to Mike and Mary Beth – to love, laughter and happily ever after. Cheers!

So... I think this pretty much wraps up my wedding career. All of our siblings and most of our close friends are married now (or not interested in getting married anyway) - so it'll probably be a while before we're involved in anymore weddings. At least until the second marriages start!