It only took me a month, but here they are as promised (in no particular order):
Lash Stylist Comb Mascara by Maybelline - Can I tell you how much I love this mascara? It's got this "v-styling comb" rather than a brush and it works so well. It comes in both washable and waterproof formulas - just the normal old colors though. But it doesn't clump and it separates your lashes and makes them look long and beautiful. Threw away my old standby Maybelline Great Lash in the pink and green tube that I'd been using for YEARS as soon as I tried this.
Nivea Body Lotion - For dry skin. And yes, we all immediately put it on when we opened this gift. I've been putting it on every night since I got it. In the winter, having the heat on inside all the time, your skin gets so freaking dry and scaly - so this is sitting on my nightstand.
Basket w/ notepads and Champagne flutes - This basket is now on my nightstand holding all of my reading material (a bunch of magazines - I subscribe to way too many, and books). And of course the flutes were put to good use right away!
Slipper socks and moisturing foot/body cream - My socks are pink with little skid-proof hearts on the soles of the socks. So cute. We all put these on for bed Saturday night.
Mary Kay Signature Mascara - Ever since Jill gave us all Mary Kay makeovers last summer when we were at the lake most of us have developed a Mary Kay addiction...
Singer Smart Scissors and handmade glass wine charms (they're all little hearts - so CUTE) - These scissors really work - and they're just as seen on TV. Yep, they are. Most of us immediately cut up the box they came in just to play with them. At least those of us that could figure out how to work them (those that couldn't... you know who you are...)
"Love Spell" body splash by Victoria's Secret - This was spritzed all over the place as soon as we all opened this gift. Michelle's house probably still smells like "Love Spell". Yummy.

Charles Shaw Chardonnay - The original "Two Buck Chuck". That's right, two dollars. And it's good stuff. Love this stuff. Go to Trader Joe's and buy your own. Right now. Buy a whole case! And don't tell anyone how cheap it was - they'll never know.
Boursin Cheese (Garlis and Fine Herbs) - Or "crack" as it's called in our house. It lasted a solid 20 minutes after I got home with it.
Blistex Cherry Lip Infusion - I love this stuff! Instant new addiction...
Oreos - Okay, seriously. Who doesn't love Oreos?
Xlhileration! Retro Oxford tennis shoes - Eight of the nine of us wore these out on Saturday and we've decided we'll be wearing them for an upcoming special event... you'll see...
Bookmark and BB&B photo and frame - Okay, I'm not about to post the picture we received. Shayla put together pictures of all of us and put it in an 8x10 frame. It's hilarious and awesome and I'm still not about to post it!
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