Mom and Dad were interviewed by Roche Madden this evening. They were prominently featured on both the 9 PM and the 10 PM Fox newscasts. Click on the link below - it includes a few other stories as well, but theirs is the first report just a minute or so in. (Two corrections, he refers to Grandma's house as "their home" - it's not their home, their home is 5 miles away. So whatever. But he says that we won't be able to plant 100 acres - he's WAY off, it's more like 1500 acres!)
Also - is Mom the soundbite queen or what? Her final quote summing it all up, "When you get into farming, that's what it's all about - it's a gamble. You live with Mother Nature, you love her; and you have to learn her to be a farmer. Otherwise you don't make it," is so perfect, isn't it? Mom said the interview lasted about 20 minutes - but of course they only used about 15 seconds of it. And how typical of my dad - a man of very few words, "We were counting on the wheat. But I guess we'll get by without it." That's probably all Roche could get out of him! Haha.
They were on the 10 PM broadcast as well, but they used the same clips from the interview - the only difference is that they showed Mom when she said her Mother Nature clip.
I'm sure the book tour will be soon, huh Mom?
Roche and his cameraman were very pleasant and respectful. We were certainly not expecting a news crew waiting by our truck when we rowed out. He also missed the number of acres not planted by 1400!
The interview was great! Thank you for sharing that with us all, I'm glad I got to see it!
i saw this when it broadcasted, i had no idea it was your parents. let us know if they need anything.
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